The National Immunisation Programme in the Netherlands. Surveillance and developments in 2021-2022 (2024)


Het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma in Nederland. Surveillance en ontwikkelingen in 2021-2022

Het Rijksvaccinatieprogramma in Nederland. Surveillance en ontwikkelingen in 2021-2022

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Dit rapport bevat een erratum d.d. 29 november 2022 op pagina 421-422.

Het RIVM houdt elk jaar bij hoeveel mensen een ziekte krijgen waartegen vanuit hetRijksvaccinatieprogramma ( RVP Rijksvaccinatie programma (Rijksvaccinatie programma)) wordt gevaccineerd. In 2021 kregen minder mensen zo’nziekte dan in 2020. Dit komt waarschijnlijk door de coronamaatregelen, zoals afstand houdenen handen wassen. Er waren vooral minder mensen met invasieve pneumokokkenziekte(ongeveer 1.250 personen), kinkhoest (74) en bof (1). Ook is het aantal meningokokkenziektetype W ziektegevallen (4) verder gedaald nadat deze vaccinatie in 2020 voor tieners istoegevoegd aan het RVP. Er waren in 2021 geen mensen met difterie, tetanus, mazelen,rodehond of polio.

Het aantal meldingen van chronische hepatitis B (743) was ongeveer hetzelfde als in 2020. Tussen 2014 en 2019 waren dat er veel meer, toen per jaar zo’n 1.000 tot 1.100 mensen te horenkregen dat ze deze ziekte hebben. De daling komt waarschijnlijk doordat mensen tijdens decoronapandemie minder vaak naar een dokter gingen.

Alleen Haemophilus influenza type B ( Hib haemophilus influenzae type b (haemophilus influenzae type b)) komt vaker voor dan vóór de coronapandemie.In 2020 en 2021 waren er 68 meldingen per jaar, vergeleken met 39 in 2019. Het RIVMonderzoekt de oorzaak. Het vaccin lijkt even effectief te zijn als in eerdere jaren.In 2021 zijn 1.703.102 kinderen gevaccineerd via het RVP. Zij kregen in totaal 2.219.341vaccinaties. Ook hebben 115.886 zwangere vrouwen een vaccinatie gekregen die hunbaby vanaf de geboorte beschermt tegen onder andere kinkhoest. Dit is de 22 wekenprik.De vaccinatiegraad in Nederland is iets lager dan vorig jaar. Dit komt voor een deel door decoronapandemie, waardoor sommige vaccinaties later zijn gegeven dan normaal.

De Gezondheidsraad adviseerde in juni 2021 om jonge baby’s tegen het rotavirus tevaccineren. In september 2021 adviseerde de Gezondheidsraad om meer risicogroepen uit tenodigen voor de griepvaccinatie, waaronder zwangere vrouwen. Het ministerie van VWS Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport) heeftin 2022 beide adviezen overgenomen.

Vaccineren tegen de ziekte COVID-19 werkt goed om ernstige ziekte en sterfte te voorkomen,maar de bescherming neemt langzaam af. De booster- en herhaalvaccinaties zorgen ervoor datde bescherming weer toeneemt.


This report contains an erratum d.d. 29 November 2022 on page 421-422.

RIVM tracks how many people fall ill due to a disease that is included in the National Immunisation Programme (NIP). In 2021, fewer people got such a disease compared to 2020. This is very likely due to COVID-19 control measures such as social distancing and handwashing. There were especially fewer people with invasive pneumococcal disease (about 1,205 people), pertussis (74), and mumps (1). The number of notifications for meningococcal disease caused by serotype W (4) decreased further, after introduction of the vaccine for adolescents into the NIP in 2020. There were no notifications of diphtheria, tetanus, measles, rubella, or polio in 2021.

The number of chronic hepatitis B notifications (743) was about the same as in 2020. Between 2014 and 2019 there were many more notifications, with about 1,000 to 1,100 people being made aware they had this disease. The decrease is probably the result of a decrease in doctors’ visits and therefore diagnoses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Only Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) occurred more frequently than before the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020 and 2021 there were 68 notifications per year, compared to 39 in 2019. RIVM currently investigates the cause. The vaccine seems to be as effective as in previous years.

In 2021, 1,703,102 children were vaccinated as part of the NIP. They received a total of 2,219,341 vaccinations. Also, 115,886 pregnant women received a vaccination that protects their baby immediately after birth against, amongst others, whooping cough. Vaccination coverage in the Netherlands is slightly lower than last year. This is partly because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused some vaccinations to be given later than normally planned.

The Health Council of the Netherlands recommended in June 2021 to offer rotavirus vaccination to young babies. In September 2021, the Health Council recommended inviting more risk groups for flu vaccination, including pregnant women. The ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport adopted both recommendations in 2022.

Vaccination against COVID-19 works well to prevent severe illness and death, but the protection slowly decreases. Booster vaccinations increase protection again.


Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu


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The National Immunisation Programme in the Netherlands. Surveillance and developments in 2021-2022 (2024)


Are vaccinations mandatory in the Netherlands? ›

While participation is not compulsory, over 95% of parents consent to having their children vaccinated. The high vaccination rate means that these serious diseases have now become a rarity. We need to keep it that way by ensuring that children are vaccinated.

What is the BMR vaccine in the Netherlands? ›

The MMR vaccination protects against mumps, measles and rubella. Children receive the MMR vaccination at 14 months, and a repeat vaccination at 9 years. It is possible to get the MMR vaccination sooner, for example if you are planning to travel outside the Netherlands.

What is the vaccination rate for children in the Netherlands? ›

In the Netherlands the vaccination coverage is high, at an average of over 90%. But to eradicate infectious diseases altogether, even more people need to be vaccinated.

What is the Dktp vaccine in the Netherlands? ›

The DPTP-Hib-HepB vaccination protects children against 6 serious infectious diseases: diphtheria, whooping cough (pertussis), tetanus, polio, Hib disease and Hepatitis B. Before a child turns one year it receives 3 vaccinations at 3 months, 5 months and 11 months.

Are vaccines covered by insurance in the Netherlands? ›

Insurance for vaccinations in the Netherlands

For residents of the Netherlands with valid health insurance, vaccinations under the National Immunization Program are free of charge. Other vaccinations (such as a seasonal flu shot or a hepatitis B vaccine) may also be free depending on your overall health or age.

How to get vaccinated in the Netherlands? ›

Are you eligible? If so, schedule an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccination at the GGD now. Or call to 0800-7070 (during office hours).

What vaccinations do I need for Amsterdam? ›

Courses or boosters usually advised: none. Other vaccines to consider: Diphtheria; Tetanus. Selectively advised vaccines - only for those individuals at highest risk: Hepatitis A; Hepatitis B. No yellow fever vaccination certificate required for this country.

Is the Netherlands rabies free? ›

Several countries in Europe have been designated rabies-free jurisdictions: Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

Is whooping cough in the Netherlands 2024? ›

Update 15 May 2024

These figures are very high compared to recorded figures for every year since whooping cough was designated as a notifiable disease in 1975. From 1 January to 13 May 2024, there have been a total of 8.625 reported cases of whooping cough, including 426 infants.

How to get HPV vaccine in the Netherlands? ›

You can make an appointment to get the HPV vaccine online at or by phone on 0800–1608.

What is the typhoid vaccine in the Netherlands? ›

The typhoid fever vaccination consists of one shot and provides protection for three years. The vaccination protects 60-70% against the serious complications of typhoid fever and is available from the age of 2 years.

What are the side effects of the 3 month vaccination? ›

Side effects — Common side effects include injection site pain, redness, and swelling; fever; drowsiness; and loss of appetite. Local reactions are more common after the fourth and fifth doses. Rare side effects include severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) or brain swelling.

Are DPT and DTP vaccines the same? ›

The DPT vaccine or DTP vaccine is a class of combination vaccines against three infectious diseases in humans: diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and tetanus (lockjaw).

What is TT2 vaccine? ›

Protection at birth (PAB) against neonatal tetanus vaccination coverage and vaccination coverage among pregnant women of Tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine (TT2+/Td2+) and Pertussis-containing vaccine.

What are the side effects of DKTP vaccine? ›

Common Side Effects
  • Soreness or swelling where the shot was given.
  • Fever.
  • Fussiness.
  • Feeling tired.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Vomiting.

In what countries do you need hepatitis A vaccine? ›

Ask your GP, pharmacy or travel clinic if you should have the hepatitis A vaccine if you're travelling to:
  • Sub-Saharan and North Africa.
  • Asia.
  • the Middle East.
  • South and Central America.
  • Eastern Europe.

Is the typhoid vaccine mandatory? ›

Vaccination is strongly recommended if you're going to be staying or working with local people, or if you're going to be staying for prolonged periods in areas where sanitation and food hygiene are likely to be poor.

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