Hunter × Hunter Characters - Comic Vine (2025)

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    Hunter × Hunter Characters - Comic Vine (1)

    Volume »

    Short summary describing this volume.


    • Gon Freecss 10 Gon Freecss is the main protagonist of Hunter x Hunter. He is on a quest to find his father the legendary hunter Ging Freecss.
    • Killua Zoldyck 8 Killua Zoldyck is one of the four protanogists in manga Hunter x hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi. Killua is a former assassin of the famous Zoldyck family, He met Gon Freecss during the Hunter Exam and and became best friends with him.
    • Kurapika 8 Kurapika is one of the four protagonists of the manga Hunter x Hunter. He is a lone survivor of the Kurta/Kuruta Clan and seeks revenge on the Phantom Troupe/Spiders for murdering his clan.
    • Hisoka 8 Hisoka is an antagonist in the manga Hunter x Hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi. Hisoka is a murderer that kills people he considers "strong" for entertainment.
    • Leorio Palladiknight 6 Leorio is one of the four protanogists in the manga Hunter x hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi. Leorio is a hunter that is currently training to become a doctor.
    • Hanzo 6 A ninja who participated in the Hunter exam alongside Gon, Kurapika, Killua, and Leorio. He passed and became a licensed Hunter.
    • Pokkle 6 Pokkle took the Hunter Exam the same year that Gon, Killua, Leorio, and Kurapika did. Pokkle passed and became a licensed Hunter.
    • Illumi Zoldyck 5 Illumi is a character in the manga Hunter x Hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi. Illumi is an ally to antagonist Hisoka. He is also the oldest of Killua's brothers.
    • Lippo 4 Lippo is a Blacklist Hunter who acted as the examiner of the third and fourth phases of the 287th Hunter Examination.
    • Chairman Netero 4 Isaac Netero is a character in the manga Hunter x Hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi. Isaac Netero is the previous Chairman of the Hunters' Association and was replaced by Cheadle Yorkshire after killed by the antagonist Meruem. He was also considered the second strongest character in the series.
    • Satotz 4 An archaeological hunter who served as an examiner for the 287th Hunter Exam.
    • Ponzu 4 Ponzu was one of the 24 examinees that managed to enter the fourth stage of the 287th Hunter Examination. She was examinee #246 in the 287th exam and #223 in the 288th Hunter Examination.
    • Bodoro 4
    • Agon 4
    • Zushi 4 Zushi is a young participant of Heavens Arena and a practitioner of Shingen-ryū. Prior to Gon and Killua, he was Wing's only student.
    • Geretta 4
    • Bourbon 4
    • Umori 4
    • Imori 4
    • Amori 4
    • Izunavi 3 Izunavi is a Hunter and Kurapika's master who taught him Nen.
    • Shishito 3
    • Buhara 3 Buhara is a Gourmet Hunter and, alongside Menchi, one of two proctors presiding the second phase of the 287th Hunter Examination.
    • Abe 3
    • Tonpa 3 Tonpa is the self-proclaimed Rookie Crusher of the Hunter Exam. Tonpa was Examinee #16 in the 287th Hunter Examination and Examinee #36 in the 288th Hunter Examination.
    • Mito Freecss 3 Mito Freecss is the aunt and foster mother of Gon Freecss.
    • Wing 3 Wing is Zushi's teacher and introduced Killua Zoldyck and Gon Freecss to Nen. He is an assistant master of Shingen-ryū Kung-Fu and a former student of Biscuit Krueger.
    • Goz 3
    • Kyu 3
    • Sommy 3
    • 88 results
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    • 2
    • 3

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      Author: Carlyn Walter

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      Name: Carlyn Walter

      Birthday: 1996-01-03

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      Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.